
 Public facilities and permanent revetment and S04~S05 wharf project of Taipei Gangnan Wharf C fill area

Project Location:


Contract Price:


Project duration:

1700 calendar days from the

Estimate completion date:



Taiwan Port Corporation Limited Keelung Port Branch

Project Overview

This case mainly includes three main projects: "Permanent Revetment Project of C Filling Area", "S01~S05 Wharf Rear Line Public Facilities Project" and "S04~S05 Wharf Project". The main work items of the project are:
1. "Permanent revetment project on the south side of the 1st and C reclamation areas": including 840m-long permanent revetment with a water depth of -6.0m (including dredging and filling of the ship-operating waters), rear roads and public facilities.
2. "II. S01~S05 Wharf Rear Line Public Facilities Project": New roads and public facilities behind the north side of S01~S05 Wharf, including the demolition of temporary dikes in the existing C fill area, dredging and filling, and S01~S03 Wharf Geological improvement of the work area...etc.
3. "Participation, S04~S05 wharf project": add 2 seats of S04~S05 wharf on the north side (water depth -16.0m, length 610m) (including dredging to -16m in the water area for sailing), filling of the back line water area and connection with the S03 wharf Cohesive paragraph implementation.
Among them, the "S01~S05 Wharf Rear Line Public Facilities Project" and "S04~S05 Wharf Project" must cooperate with other bids (logistics storage Phase III and Phase IV embankment works) and then carry out the construction after the second phase septum caissons are recovered and placed.

  • project progress